
How To Share Christ With The Skeptics

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It is a serious task to share the gospel with skeptics. You are compelled to confront your genuine convictions in addition to putting your reputation at jeopardy. Your opinions will be mocked, and your commitments will be derided. You’ll be tempted to water down your beliefs in order to get credibility unless you’ve established yourself sufficiently.

Many of these temptations result from a lack of faith in the gospel and an incorrect understanding of what it means to minister to doubters. Many believe that evangelism directed towards this group is solely comprised of apologetics, however this idea is overly restrictive.

In every situation, evangelism should involve both a statement of what the gospel is and a response to common defenses, criticisms, and misconceptions. You’ll be tempted to give up a biblical foundation in an effort to find some elusive common ground without this well-balanced strategy.

So how may the gospel be best presented to skeptics? I provide imperatives in response to this question.

Show God as He Is Being Revealed.

In the end, we’ll discover that we’re no longer engaging in authentic evangelism if we dilute our understanding of God in an effort to make the gospel more appealing. We’re just selling a god we made up, trying to win people over with a foggy vision of an ineffective divinity.

Don’t water down God to make him more appealing. Don’t spread idolatry, please. Showcase the Bible’s omnipotent God as the key to comprehending the human story.

Cite the Bible as

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